Orange Grove Elementary School Students First. Every Decision-Every Day.

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Orange Grove School Profile

Established in 1950, Orange Grove Elementary School is located in the western portion of the Whittier City School District. Currently, the school's enrollment is approximately 425 students, with 96% of the population being Hispanic or Latino. Approximately 20% of our students are English Language Learners; 18% of our school population are students with disabilities. Orange Grove is a school-wide ,Title 1 school, with approximately 71.70% of our pupils qualifying for free and reduced- priced lunch. All teachers and support staff at Orange Grove are highly qualified.  All students have access to standards aligned instructional materials and there is a process in place for teachers to order materials when needed.

Orange Grove Elementary is currently implementing the California State Standards (CSS) in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Our highly qualified certificated staff participate in training provided by the District throughout the school year. Orange Grove teachers are committed to providing 21st century learning opportunities through the use of effective instructional strategies and integrating technology in the classroom. This year, teachers are implementing both Reader's and Writer's Workshop in grades K-5 as our goal to provide Balanced Literacy, school-wide.  The Units of Study, in both Reading and Writing are being utilized and teachers have the opportunity for professional development in both areas, with a focus on Writing. The school has contracted with Literacy Partners, a professional organization that supports teachers in providing professional development in literacy. Teachers are focused on providing students the opportunity to develop the 4 Cs: collaboration, communication, strengthening critical thinking skills and demonstrating creativity. Orange Grove has identified Lead teachers in the areas of curriculum, assessment and intervention, technology, English Learners, and theme school/PR who assist the school in implementing the State Standards by sharing best practices and learning with colleagues.  All Orange Grove students have many opportunities to access technology in the classroom and teachers strive to integrate technology throughout the curriculum. In all grades, teachers are utilizing technology to support student learning in the classroom through the use of iPads. This year, we are implementing the 1 to 1 iPad program where students will have daily access to technology (iPads). All teachers in grade K-5 utilize Apple TVs, and a speaker sound system in the classroom. Teachers have embraced these technological devices to aide in their instruction of curriculum to meet the needs of our diverse learners. Teachers will be provided professional development with goal of providing an effective digital classroom.

As a Professional Learning Community, collaboration is key to our success at Orange Grove School.  Almost every Tuesday is a minimum day, which allows teachers time to meet in grade level teams, actively participate in staff development, and/or prepare for instruction. Every other week, teachers meet with the principal to review data in what is known as the "Data Reflection" process.  This gives teachers an opportunity to look at valuable data and make instructional decisions based on student needs, develop intervention and enrichment opportunities. The Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) at Orange Grove meets on a monthly basis to discuss pedagogy and implement the Plan-Do-Analyze-Reflect process (PDAR).  ILT members lead their grade level team partners through the process of planning a lesson together, identifying "Look For’s" within the lesson, implementing the lessons in the classroom, analyzing the data after the lesson, and reflecting on best practices for instructions. Teachers utilize their Tuesday minimum days to support this process.

Orange Grove implements the Response to Intervention (RtI) for students who are struggling to meet grade level standards in Language Arts. Our school uses the A-Z assessments, which supports Reading Workshop, to identify students' reading level and students who are in need of academic support in language arts. Additional assessments are utilized to place 1st - 5th grade students in the appropriate intervention program during MTSS. The additional period of Language Arts support takes place four days per week so that at-risk students receive intervention where it is most needed, whether it be phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency and/or comprehension. The district has provided a 6-hour support teacher to assist with student needs during RtI in language arts.  Kindergarten students receive intervention, as well. High expectations are in place for all students, including high achieving and gifted students. The RtI period also affords our GATE students who are meeting and/or exceeding state standards to receive differentiated instruction aimed at increasing their academic achievement in Language Arts. GATE students also participate in GATE research projects that include a report and/or visual display, as well as an oral presentation. A Pre-Kindergarten orientation program takes place every summer for incoming kindergarten students to prepare them for success as they enter school.

Promoting a positive learning environment for all students is essential to our students' high academic achievement. Orange Grove implements Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), school-wide, where the focus is to prevent misbehaviors by defining and and teaching social expectations. The behavioral expectations, created by staff, establishes the school expectations demonstrating PRIDE, modeling and practicing punctuality, respect and responsibility, integrity, determination, and everyone's safe. All staff members and adults practice and demonstrate the expectations to everyday to prevent misbehaviors. This year, Orange Grove achieved the Silver Medal Award in implementing a comprehensive system of behavioral supports at school. Students are awarded for demonstrating behavioral expectations in different settings at school.  A school-wide incentive program is implemented and behavior intervention is available. Behavioral interventions are provided for students who need support. Every Wednesday is our school spirit day; students and staff wear their school shirts or sweatshirts. To promote college bound goals, every Thursday is College Day when students are encouraged to wear college shirts or sweatshirts. There are assemblies every other month as well as trimester awards assemblies that recognize students for their academic and behavior achievements. Students are acknowledged during the assemblies for good citizenship, academic success, and reading accomplishments. Trimester awards recognize academic and behavioral achievements, as well as perfect attendance.

At Orange Grove, we are proud to implement our school-wide reading incentive program called the “Orange Grove Reads” program, which is sponsored by PTA.  In order to increase skills in vocabulary and comprehension, students receive rewards for additional minutes read beyond the required nightly reading for homework. Upon completion of a level, students earn a reward. When students reach level ten, they earn an Orange Grove Reads gold medal. This year, students have the opportunity to access additional math support through the implementation of ST Math. ST Math is an instructional software designed to increase math comprehension and fluency through visual learning.  

Parents are an important part of the team at Orange Grove. The goal for the school is foster effective partnerships among our staff, parents and students through collaboration, timely communication, and parent workshops. A Parent Community Liaison works 4 hours a day to assist with communication and publicity for our parent activities such as Common Core Nights and Math, Literacy and Science Family Nights.  Parents are encouraged not only to attend parent information meetings and school events, but also to volunteer their time during school to assist students to meet their academic goals. We also encourage participation in parent workshops offered by the District and other organizations in our community. The District's Parent Center, located at Longfellow school, provides training to all parents. Orange Grove parents are invited to attend.

Orange Grove offers the Jump Start and Reach for the Stars program, the before and after school program, which provides student care and enriching activities, such as homework help, physical activity, and cultural education in the arts, dance, and music.  

In conclusion, Orange Grove School is a community of dedicated staff, students, and parents who work in a team effort to increase student achievement. Orange Grove serves as an effective and exciting place where all children can learn the academic and social skills needed to be productive and successful scholars.