Orange Grove School is a community of dedicated staff, students, and parents who work in a team effort to increase student achievement. Our vision is that every student will be proficient or advanced in Language Arts and Mathematics. Established in 1950, Orange Grove School is located in a residential setting within the Whittier City School District. Today, the school’s enrollment is approximately 400 students, with over 90% of the population being Hispanic or Latino. One fifth of our students are English Language Learners.
Orange Grove implements a variety of exceptional school programs that enhance our positive learning environment. Positive Behavior Supports and Intervention (PBIS) is implemented school-wide. Orange Grove Stallions have PRIDE. P= Punctual, R= Respect & Responsibility, I= Integrity, D= Determination, E= Everyone's Safe. Students are awarded for demonstrating behavioral expectations in different settings at school. A school-wide incentive program is implemented and behavior intervention is available. Every Wednesday is our school spirit day; students and staff wear their school shirts or sweatshirts, as well as various medals, ribbons, and buttons they have received from assemblies. To promote college bound goals, every Thursday is College Day. Students are allowed to wear shirts or sweatshirts. There are monthly as well as trimester awards assemblies that recognize students for their academic and behavior achievements.
The Reach for the Stars program provides after school care and enriching activities for students, such as homework help, physical activity, and cultural education in arts, dance, and music. In addition to these programs is our after school fine arts program that occurs throughout the school year. School spirit and pride are encouraged in a variety of ways. Every Wednesday is School Spirit Day. Students and staff wear their Orange Grove Stallion t-shirts or sweatshirts, as well as the various medals, ribbons, and buttons they have received from assemblies. Fridays are free dress days or theme days.
Orange Grove School is fortunate to have strong community support through parent organizations. Our School Site Council is comprised of parents and staff who review and approve the school plan, as well as the categorical funding of items that enhance student learning. The Parent Teacher Association sponsors our school’s reading incentive program, Orange Grove Reads, as well as field trips, school programs, and events. In addition, Orange Grove’s English Language Advisory Committee collaborates with the PTA to organize and support school events, such as our festivals and the annual Dinner and Dance, in order to make enriching opportunities, such as our after school fine arts program, a reality.
In conclusion, Orange Grove is a committed school community with high academic standards and student expectations. Orange Grove serves as an effective and exciting place where all children can learn the academic and social skills needed to be productive and successful individuals throughout their lives.